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An ongoing pursuit in my work is to attempt to engage haptically with things that are considered virtual. This piece is essentially a reconstruction of Hulks samples, using scissors sounds to cut into his digital audio.
The original samples are arranged tightly together by basically starting them all at the same point and from this a loop is created and repeated throughout.
Scissors samples are layered over this and a crude edit made at the point of each closing of the blades.

Polly Fibre / January 2009



Polly Fibre is the performance name and project of artist Christine Ellison. Started as a solo sonic-sewing act, and now often uniting with other artists to perform live, Polly Fibre fluxes in and out of art galleries, clubs and festivals which to date have included K77 Berlin, Kaunas Art Biennial 07, Lithuania, The Whitebox Gallery, New York and Dublin Electronic Arts Festival 08. Originally from Dublin, Ellison is currently based in London and works as a lecturer of Fine Art at the University of Reading.
